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Sacred World Renaissance

Radically assisting planetary evolution 

through the dissemination of quantum consciousness

and frequency healing, spiritual teachings and sacred arts

to usher humanity into a state of higher health, harmony and divine love.


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In February of the year 2000 Dr. Swan had an incredible visionary experience. A bright light exploded from the heavens and from within the light a divine master appeared.

He said, “You are here to create a sacred order of light. In the coming times of crisis you will bring a new level of healing to the world.

You will be guided to many different places and it will be very difficult. We are sorry for what we have to put you through but the work you will do is vital for the future of the planet. 

You are here to create one of twelve sacred orders that will guide the human race into a new paradigm of spiritual awareness and divine living. Your sacred order is Healing for Humanity.” Then he was gone.

Our Story

 Our Collaborators:


Frontline Medical Experts, Aid Workers

Healers, Teachers, Lightworkers & Presenters
Activists & Politicians dedicated to truth and the greater good.




How we help:

Healing S.A.S. (Special Aid Services)

We share advanced quantum frequency healing techniques and support for you and your groups/events.

By offering quantum bio-resonance healing as a team,   a potent forcefield of  higher consciousness can be created providing protection from the negative effects of the bio-weapon, those unseen energies that attempt to block, shadow or sabotage your efforts.  A team running  our frequencies creates an exponentially more potent field of positive, light-filled, harmonious frequencies and divine inspiration, to radiate an uplifting environment of peace, harmony, clarity  and positive energy and help transform the trauma of humanity and the earth.

As dedicated frontline experts would you benefit from mental, physical, emotional or spiritual healing support for yourselves and/ would like this support for your events? Connect with us! We are here to help.

Our service is free for groups and events, by donation for individuals. All donations gratefully received however! We would love it and it would help the world if you tell others about us and share what Healing for Humanity is doing with your colleagues and networks.





The Healing System


Our frequencies comprise metaphysical expertise, healing gifts and technology. The technology is a sophisticated app that uses bio-feedback to annalise client or group conditions and environment. Then our multi-dimensional bio-medicine frequencies create the quantum effect bio-feedback transmitting the necessary signals to bring recipients back into balance.
As we are energy continuously emitting and reacting to frequencies, with the appand our frequencies, we can send the vital, precisely determined, electro-magnetic re-calibration for optimum balance and wellbeing -  a highly effective and non-invasive, absolutely non-toxic, way of healing mind, body and spirit.

The encoded programmes we apply with the technology comprise Dr. Swan’s 30+ years experience of healing expertise, thoroughly tried and tested all around the world, saving and changing thousands of people’s lives through physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing.
(More about the frequencies here )

Our frequencies are effectie on animals and physical environments too. Where there has been trauma, disease, pollution or disturbance, we use frequency to re-harmonise the environment. As memory is held in both the ethers and the fabric of the earth, perpetually affecting us in a subliminal way, we use the frequencies to bring the environment back into peace, health and balance, re-creating positive conditions to support the earth and humanity’s wellbeing.

{If you are an event organiser or presenter, feel free to contact us for a consult (Email}.




Activities in the pipeline to raise funds for people who most urgently need help. Therapy, healing, supplies, we are working on it.
We have ways!

Watch this space……….


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Helping to get you connected to other networks offering other services you and your groups might need.

We are here to help!



Joint Venture Collaborations -

Doctors, Practitioners, Teachers


We can help you encode your tools and expertise into quantum bio-feedback frequency libraries.


Provide your own medicine and teachings to your own and our networks through this extraordinarily effective, non-invasive, affordable,  electronic medicine in a long-tried and tested sophisticated bio-resonance technology.


Fund your endeavours and monetise your expertise through making available  electronic medicine and your own expertise frequencies for healing and radical consciousness evolution to be utilised by people all over the world at any time!





We weave prayers for you into the web of our work and our daily lives. Connecting to profound spiritual consciousness and the Divine, drawing on a wide variety of spiritual cultures and beliefs, we call upon the Divine to support, strengthen and bless you and your endeavours during these transformational times.
Prayers are also encoded and added to frequency sessions run regularly by a number of our team.

Our  highly-trained, spiritually motivated and guided team organises prayer groups world-wide to send you love, healing and support at specific times.  Just ask to be added to Frequency Prayer Circle!



Arts Programme Funding


We are working on an online art gallery to help fund our work and your humanitarian endavours.



There will be more - this is just the beginning!​​

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Author, Artist, Teacher, Healer, Poet


M.A. Christ Consciousness & Its Relevance in this Day and Age

Ph.D. Metaphysics & Healing Arts


More here:

Davinder Kaur, Event Coordinator, P.A to Dr. Swan
With a Biological Sciences degree from the University of Birmingham, UK, Davinder’s work experience is in administration. She has always been curious about the natural world and loves learning about plants and nutrition. Davinder is committed to helping create a world of unconditional love and peace. She is developing her expertise with  bio-resonance technology to help bring balance and health to all, especially those who are suffering and have been neglected by society.

Claire McIntyre, In-House Genius App Expert.
Claire has a diverse background in massage therapy, Emotion Code certification, sound therapy, LLLT, and Reconnective Healing. After a  diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS), Claire has dedicated herself to the pursuit of holistic wellness, determined to discover natural ways to manage her condition.
In 2012, Claire's passion for wellness led her to IHA Biofeedback technology, the Genius App. She has since dedicated herself to helping people understand and use the technology and realise its potential for their health.

IngerBerit Skaaret, SOLEI 17 Advisor, Genius Facilitator
Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree and f associate degree in Logistics and economics, IngerBerit’s work experience is in administration and medical coding. Called to a spiritual path in an esoteric yoga school, then guided to Dr. Swan, she has completed all Dr. Swan’s trainings, now leading facilitator of the SOLEI 17 oracle healing. She has been working with bio-resonance technology for the last 2-3 years.


The technology:
Testimonials & Endorsements:

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