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Clear yourselves, your loved ones and clients of corrupted Dna. Never has it been more important total back control of and re-programme the Dna! 

Since the times of Atlantis, our human Dna has been tampered with and programmed to serve off-planetary beings with their own agendas. Recently this has escalated exponentially with the now ubiquitous use by the pharmaceutical industry’s roll-our of mana technology in drugs and injectables. Every person in the world is by now effected by the ‘fallout’ effect of these bio-weapons which transmit energetic, wireless frequency signals all the time which are not merely harmful, but actually delete or contaminate the human genes to such an extent that one is not only no longer defined as human, but cannot function as a healthy, divinely-connected human being. Use this on yourself regularly to clear and/or protect yourselves from harmful Dna-altering frequencies and to clear those who have succumbed to the covid “vaccine” (more accurately called gene altering therapy). 

{Pairs well with Vacc Attack, Vacc Clearing & Healing, Vacc Attack Health & Recovery, and the “Higher”  series, and the Astral Bundle}

Pure Human DNA

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